
The 2011 Convention has been cancelled. If you've already registered, you will receive a refund.

2011 Convention

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Supporters And Vendors

In My Book

Bookmark Collector


Needle and Thread

Needle and Thread


News about the convention, the latest updates to the website, and any general announcements.


We just finished our latest set of tests, and I can now say that the presentation tool is ready for action! We have made a switch and are now using InstantPresenter. I think everyone involved felt pretty good about the quality and performance of the product.

It's easy for everyone attending to connect with InstantPresenter. However, we need to make sure that everyone presenting has a chance to connect ahead of time just to be sure their computer is configured correctly. It doesn't take any special software or hardware (other than the microphone for the presenters), but it's easier to make sure everything is working before the convention.


It's coming!

Hi, everyone.

Today we had another test of our presentation software and it's really coming together well. Alan and I will continue to work with the presenters so they are entirely comfortable by the time the convention comes around. I am only part of the way through the creation of my presentations, but I am having fun. If any of you have any ideas for me (I'm doing one on buying bookmarks on eBay and another on storing and displaying them) please let me know. Your questions or ideas will be used and may even spark other ideas for me.

Also, if you think you have an idea you'd like to do please let us know. We are more than happy to help you develop your own presentation. It's not hard, and I have the time. (Well, I'll make the time.) Remember, just because you know something doesn't mean the rest of us do. Let's share all our knowledge. 



We're in the final stretch

Hi, everyone.

I wanted to add my two cents to Alan's posts and welcome everyone who has signed up for the newsletter. He's already sent two of them. And we are already getting our early registrants. (It's never too early to register, and in fact it's better early than late.) 

We've been practicing with our presentations and having fun. A few problems too, but Alan is a techno-wizard and is able to work on them without wanting to rip a computer's lungs out. (That's for me to do.) 

What we hope to do in the next week or so is begin to get our galleries together. Laine Farley has charge of those so I think we will begin to list the categories. This is where we encourage you to really begin your participation. Scan or photograph your bookmarks that fit into one or more of the categories and send them to us. We are looking to see how many types in a particular category we can see. It's not so much to show off our collections as to see what was created that fits into, as an example, World War II bookmarks. It's visual history that has until relatively recently gone unappreciated. 

I also want to ask if there is anyone interested in doing a presentation that has not been contacted? If so, please let Alan or me know. We'd be glad to go over what is needed (it's easier than you think), and help you to do it. Also, if you have ideas for presentations that you would like to see please do contact us with them. We are very interested!


More Abstracts and Bios

I've just posted a few more abstracts and biographies for the seminars. More are on their way. We haven't scheduled them yet and will probably wait until we're closer to the event date before we commit to specific times.

The About page has been expanded with information about the two primary organizers, Yeah, that include me. I'm sure there's a clever aphorism about the cobbler's kids or something, but the truth is I'm more interested in everyone else's work. This is going to be a great event!


First Abstract Posted

Deanna Dahlsad just sent in the abstract for her seminar presentation and biography, making her the first fully committed speaker! The title is Are You An Embarrassed Collector? Don't Be! and her description makes me want to attend now! Thanks Deanna.

I've posted the abstact along with her bio, and now that the "dam has broken", I expect to see more of the abstracts I know are in the works.

And no one is more behind in this task than myself!